Flyers losing streak reaches boiling point: fans start protest cheer

Published November 26, 2022 at 0:55

Over the last few weeks, Flyers Nation and the organization have been tested in their patience. Having lost player after player to major injuries, the organization has certainly tried everything it can short of a major overhaul trade or firing.

The Flyers lost 4-2 to the Pittsburgh Penguins today, marking their 9th consecutive loss. Having seen enough, several fans called for the firing of General Manager Chuck Fletcher.

In light of the salary cap remaining flat and several teams trying to figure out where they belong in the playoff race, it has left the Flyers unable to make any significant moves. As the team has reached its 50-contract limit, it cannot search the waiver wire for help.

For now, all the Flyers can do is wait for some of their stars to return.
November 26   |   343 answers
Flyers losing streak reaches boiling point: fans start protest cheer

Should Chuck Fletcher be fired for the state of the Flyers?

YES32594.8 %
NO185.2 %
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