Hockey Canada Used Parents Money to Cover Up Sexual Assault Victims

October 5, 2022  (1:46 PM)

A new report by Grant Robertson and Colin Freeze of the Globe and Mail has revealed the existence of a second secret fund. This newly discovered fund was established in 1999 and is called the Participants Legacy Trust Fund. It was created for Hockey Canada's member branches by transferring millions of dollars from the National Equity Fund to this new fund.

What was the purpose of this fund? It was set up to settle claims against Hockey Canada's member associations arising from incidents between 1986 and 1995. This terrible trust was supposed to be dissolved on May 15, 2020, but Hockey Canada went to court in 2018 and 2019 to maintain the fund and change its terms
Conservative John Nater is concerned about Hockey Canada's transparency. «When families put their money into registration fees, they assume it's going to be related to their kids, to their families, their participation in the sport. And to hear that funds are being used for matters of significant wrongdoing, this fails the test on transparency,» he said.

Another day, another scandal for Hockey Canada. In early July, The Globe and Mail revealed that Hockey Canada maintained a secret fund called the National Equity Fund. The fund, which was fed by players' registration fees, was used to settle a $3.55 million lawsuit filed this year by a woman who claimed she was sexually assaulted by several members of the 2018 World Junior Team. During hearings on the first fund this summer, Hockey Canada never mentioned the existence of another fund.
That fund was widely criticized by the hockey world. This should not be the culture that such an organization wants to implement. When will the hockey organization stop doing this? With these recent events, Hockey Canada is not only damaging its reputation, but also the reputation of the sport. Many people are calling for the resignation of all members of Hockey Canada's board of directors.