Morgan Frost Addresses The Reason Why He Wears Number 48

September 2, 2023  (3:39 PM)

Philadelphia Flyers forward Morgan Frost has become synonymous with the jersey number 48, and it seems he has no immediate plans to part ways with it.

In a recent interview, when asked if he would be changing his number, Frost indicated his contentment with 48 and the special meaning it holds for him.
Frost's response highlights his easygoing nature and his appreciation for the number that was initially assigned to him. He also mentioned his respectful nod to Flyers legend Danny Brière, who wore the number 48 during his time with the team.
Acknowledging that Danny Brière has been a significant influence and mentor, Frost revealed that he has playfully discussed the number with the former Flyers star. Despite the possibility of a number change down the road, Frost's connection to 48 has deepened over time.
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Question: I know you were kind of given 48, but are you going to keep it? Is it just your thing now?

Seems that way, yeah. I'm a pretty easygoing guy. Like, once I got it, I wasn't really in a rush to change it or anything. I've kinda nudged (Danny Brière) about it, I don't think he cares. He's someone I can really look up to, and he's helped me a lot, Danny B.

I'm gonna ride with it for now. I don't know, we'll see. Maybe down the road, I'll change it. I like it for now. It's grown on me.

Frost's attachment to the number 48 goes beyond personal preference. He shared that his family back home has embraced the number, owning jerseys with that specific numeral. This familial connection adds an extra layer of sentiment to his decision to stick with it.
While Frost acknowledges the historical weight of the numbers he's worn (initially 68, then 48), he has embraced his current number and its association with a Flyers legend. As he continues his journey with the team, it's clear that number 48 has become more than just a jersey - it's a symbol of his growth and his ties to both his hockey idols and his family's support.