Former NHL Player Trashes The Philadelphia Flyers in This Interview

Published September 19, 2022 at 10:11

Can Janssen was never an offensive dynamo, but he was certainly one for the theatrics, throwing big hits and dropping the gloves with any willing combattants, that sniffed his way.

Recently, during Janssen's podcast he spoke about the Flyers locker-room, more specifically about it's jaded reputation.

John Tortorella was open about his concerns. And Janssen seemed to agree.

«Well maybe he does. They've been sucky for a long time. Do you think he's throwing it around for s**** and giggles? No there's something going on there,» enthused Janssen towards the openness that Torts provided about his concerns.

‘'Don't B*tch about Torts, that locker room has been sh*t for years''

Tortorella is certainly many things, but the wrong guy to change the tide in Philly, you can argue that there are much worse options than an outspoken, opininated coach like Tortorella to take over the Broadstreet Bullies, and you'd likely be correct.
September 19   |   148 answers
Former NHL Player Trashes The Philadelphia Flyers in This Interview

Do you think the Flyers Locker room is ‘'sh*t'' ?

Yes6946.6 %
Most definitely5637.8 %
No2315.5 %
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