MUST SEE - Flyers 5th ovr Pick Throws Massive Hit and Scores Goal For Team USA

Published December 21, 2022 at 6:25 PM

With the 5th overall pick in this past NHL Draft, the Flyers took Cutter Gauthier. Gauthier is an 18-year old forward who the Flyers have extremely high hopes for.

Well, his career after getting drafted is off to a good start, as he is playing well in the minors and was recently selected to Team USA for the upcoming World Junior Championship.

In his first game, Gauthier delivered a solid goal on a beautiful play organized by the Americans' forwards.

Playing in this tournament is going to give Gauthier a much needed challenge and will allow the Flyers to get a look at him playing against very good competition.
December 21   |   44 answers
MUST SEE - Flyers 5th ovr Pick Throws Massive Hit and Scores Goal For Team USA

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