Philadelphia 2022-2023 Regular Season Ticket Ranges

Alecc Constanzi
September 24, 2022  (2:12)

I must say... after several years of disappointment, questionable trades, confusing draft choices, and the fact no one can figure out what the heck Gritty is, it's looking to be a good season opener.

First, John Tortorella has been hired as the Flyers' head coach. Personally, I think this has been their best move since losing Peter Laviolette back in the beginning of October 2013. Tortorella has a reputation for being a complete hard ass, however when a city hero like Rocky Balboa needed a trainer in his corner who could build him up and put him down, not taking any excuses, he didn't go to Richard Simmons (However more pleasant that would have been). Tortorella might be that Mickey Goldmill we've needed for almost a decade.
That being said, bills are bills, and with the economy on its roller coaster ride even the cheapest seats of the past might be a bit too pricey for fans. Thankfully, I've already done all the Google searches to make the job of selecting seats a bit easier. Keep in mind, this is as of September 23rd, 2022 with the regular season still twenty days away. Of course, it's against the New Jersey Devils, so that looks promising.
Anyway, I've broken it down Barney style to be as painless as possible:
Must read on FlyersInsider
As of now, the upper seating lever is a minimum of $46.00 per ticket, and ranges about $20.00 more in some spots that more desirable (Like a seat right behind the drop-off). This won't break the bank as heavily as many might think, but you still have to add in concessions and parking. These shouldn't be as much of an issue when going with a couple fans and friends, but a family of 3/4+ might want to get a plan going.
The lower level seating has tickets available in Section 119 for under $100, but this is going to fluctuate the closer we get to opening night. Everything else is going to be back in that $106.00 and $170.00-ish depending on whether your seats are behind the bench or penalty box. This would be a good choice for date night, or even a first date/brand new relationship, since it will earn you some points. The only real issue is being that individual who would get the bill (Like a parent/s bringing children and family). So a group of buds combining funds or being a Romeo/Juliet would fit nicely.
Club Box seats where royalty tends to watch actually are not bad at the moment. Some of them are even under $150.00. Again, issue is once the game gets closer, in my humble guess, those prices are going to shoot up. Whether it's from official vendors or scalpers. From what I see now, a couple are already $5k.
So to review (per ticket):
Upper Level Seating- $46.00 (give or take $10 or $20)
Lower Level Seating- $106.00-$170.00-ish (with a couple that can be snagged under $100.00 if you're quick about it)
Club Box Seats- A steal (especially if going with work buddies, college friends, or your sports team). Under $140.00 but it can shoot up at any moment to over $1,000.00.
Remember concessions are always going to be insanely expensive. There's a building w/ restaurants nearby but you'll need to get there at least two hours earlier. It fills up fast, but the prices are more reasonable and the food/drink is generally better.
Parking will be insane and always be insane. I've found the easiest parking is in the Phillies' lot, cheaper too, and quicker to get to and leave afterwards if you're trying to get to I-95 or 76. Only real negative is it's a bit of a hike to the Wells Fargo Center so keep that in mind for the little tykes or anyone who might have issues with mobility/distance.
I hope this helps everyone, and as always "Let's hear it for the Orange and the Black!"
Note: If Gritty keeps threatening the other teams and mascots... I don't care what the hell he is.
Philadelphia 2022-2023 Regular Season Ticket Ranges

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I'll attend all I can w/o a issue w/ $$$.1625.4 %
I'll try to attend maybe 1 or 2 b/c of prices.1828.6 %
Nope, tickets are still too $$$ for my situation.1320.6 %
I can't attend b/c of multiple reasons.1625.4 %
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