Artemi Panarin's Reaction To The Departure Of Ryan Strome

S. Harper
September 5, 2022  (10:48 PM)

This was one of the craziest off-seasons in a long-time with some surprise signings and a couple block buster trades, with some teams forced to move players they didn't want to become cap compliant.

As a player, Hockey insiders or just a normal fan, it's hard not to hear about moves with all the forms of social media. But what about if you take a break from all the noise of a busy city and go off grid to relax for a while? That's what New York Rangers star forward Artemi Panarin did

According to Panarin in an interview, the star forward spent the summer living without access to the internet or cell service, essentially living off the grid, not knowing any of the moves the Rangers made during the off season, so if was definitely thrown off guard when he found out one of his best friends and teammates Ryan Strome is no longer a Ranger.
Alisa Znarok told me the news, who was traded, who was signed, back and forth. To be honest, I didn't want to think about it. There will be no Ryan Strome - but what's there to think about in the summer? What could I change?�

�I lived ten days without a connection in the woods. A worker there had wi-fi in his cabin. But I don't need it for fuck's sake," Panarin continued. "My friend Artem and I would get up at 4:30 in the morning and go fishing an hour later. We sat with our fishing rods, practiced, and by 11 am had already done everything. What a day! Beautiful!�

What internet? What news?! Then we went - we ate handfuls of strawberries in the woods. My face was red from the juice, my soul was happy," Panarin said.

It's hard to believe that NHL players especially players like Panarin would be off grid, but it's understandably with the hustle and bustle of the Big Apple.