Despite Danny Briere talking highly of Carter Hart, he still mentioned the high prospect pool the Flyers have. Mentioning the strength of the goalie pool mentioning
Samuel Ersson,
Felix Sandstrom, and their Russians: "But don't forget, the exciting part with the Flyers' organization is the luxury of goaltending that's coming up through the ranks," Briere said. "Sammy Ersson showed last year that he can be pretty special himself. Is he a number one goalie? We don't know yet. Felix Sandstrom had an up and down season last year, but he is still young. We have a couple Russian goalies, one that was forced to stay over in Russia�we thought he was coming last year in
Ivan Fedotov. But we also have another special goalie in [Alexei] Kolosov who we drafted a couple years ago who is making a name for himself in the KHL. It's been awhile since the Flyers had a plethora of good, young goalies coming up the ranks. So I'm really excited, it's probably one of the strongest parts of our young players coming up is that goaltending departments. I want to keep developing that, I want to keep grooming some good, young goalies for the future."